Saturday, October 13, 2007

Alzheimer's Warning Urinary Track Infections

The first thing is getting a person with Alzheimer's to drink some water when they wake up. I do this because we all become dehydrated to some degree when we sleep. When you get older the brain doesn't work as well as it can if you don't keep hydrated. Also this gets the kidneys working and helps flush out anything that's in the urinary tract.

I try to fit in a serving of cranberry juice not long after mother gets up. I do this to help cut down on the possibility of a urinary track infection. It was thought that cranberry juice killed the bacteria that cause infection and I still feel that maybe be one of the things it does.

Now I have read that it makes the surfaces of the urinary tract very slippery and this makes it hard for bacteria to attach to anything and they flush out easily. I doesn't matter to me how it works. Only that it helps.

When people with Alzheimer's go to the bathroom they don't always wipe themselves in a proper manner. This is especially important for women. They can easily reach between their legs to wipe their bottom and smear fecal matter over their vaginal area. Females with Alzheimer's are at higher risk for repeat urinary tract infections because of anatomy.

That's a perfect environment for an infection to start and migrate up the urethra to the bladder and up the ureters to the kidneys. This is the most common direction for a UTI to infect them and you also. It's a lot easier to keep a person with Alzheimer's disease clean. When they develop an infection you must keep them clean and treat the infection.

I always try to be close by when mom goes to the bathroom. By watching how things go you can see a problem they won't or don't know how to tell you about. You see them holding their bladder area or exhibit a rocking motion while sitting on the toilet.

They may express discomfort with facial expressions or even verbally. If you are not there you can not see these signs when they first start. If the person did not have Alzheimer's they would be able to say they are having a problem long before this degree of infection. You must learn the symptoms.

Audio sounds may be as simple as a moaning or repetitive sounds like oh-oh-oh-oh or no-no-no-no. They will often use the same sounds and or movements if a second infection occurs so its important for you to learn what the person you are taking care of does when an infection flowers. You should look for return visits to the bathroom every few minutes also.

If you are going to be a caregiver your duties will include monitoring bathroom activities. From using the toilet to bathing and everything in between. You become a specialist of bowel movements, personal hygiene and safety. You will see, smell and clean up things you never thought you would have to clean.

I may be difficult at first but you'll get the hang of it. It all becomes boring and routine. Nothing will shock you. You may even find yourself breaking out in laughter at inappropriate situations. I often do. It's a good way to relieve tension.

A UTI can come on very fast so it is important that you learn the early warning signs. Once it starts it can escalate to the point where no urine will able to flow. If this has ever happened to you I know you understand how bad this feels.

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