I could go into all of the possible causes for Alzheimer's disease but since the medical community doesn't know it would be a waste of time. The things that get on the news, that are said to prevent or slow the progression of this terrible condition, are all wrong. The doctors that push this disinformation are doing nothing but blowing smoke and spreading information that will not help you. If they believe what they say it amazes me they made it through medical school.
There enthusiasm seems to add to their credibility but don't fall for it. This false hope is used to make you think they are working hard and making progress to keep you in their grasp. You often here there is evidence that there is a link to... This means nothing. They crunched some numbers so to speak. They found that a percentage of people that do something have the disease or not. Not every body just a certain percentage.
This kind of information means nothing and just adds to the confusion. Every time they get on the news it makes you think they are working hard and making progress. This is to keep you thinking they are near finding a solution and if only they had more money they could find it faster.
They say if you keep your mind active by reading, puzzles and continued learning. They say to exercise often to maintain a good blood supply to the brain. They have dietary recommendations. Things you shouldn't do. These aren't a preventative for Alzheimer's disease. People that live there life like this already still get Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's like symptoms. Those recommendations are what you should do to maintain your general heath.
Then when you get Alzheimer's they tell you to take drugs that don't work and are dangerous in my opinion. If you haven't realized it by now they are stabbing in the dark looking for answers, coming up empty and trying to sound like they found something. People expect results so they put on a show to make you think they are making progress and here are some things to slow down the progression. Personally I'm getting tired of the lies. I want to see proof. Real proof. Not the garbage they are dumping on us now.
If you take care of an Alzheimer's patient or suspect yourself of being in the early stages or have been diagnosed with this disease you should not listen to a doctor and believe blindly what you're told. The time is now to take responsibility of your own health or of the loved one you take care of. It is easier to listen to some one that has been to medical school but you are the one that has to live with the outcome.
If you follow what they tell you to do you can find the progression of the disease in the Merck Index and its not good. The Merck Index will tell you the outcome if you're an average person doing what the average person does and eats what an average person eats. Don't be the rule be the exception. Remove yourself or your loved one from that average list and your journey will not be the same as the average Alzheimer's patient.
The medications they prescribe are said to slow down the onset of Alzheimer's Disease. How can they make this claim. My personal opinion is they can't have a legitimate clinical study because Alzheimer's disease advances at different rates in each person. Comparing two people or two groups of people regardless the number can't support a reliable comparison.
Since every person with Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's like symptoms progresses at their own rate if you don't treat them with medications you see the true progression. How can you prove that a prescribed medication has slowed or increased the rate of progression.
Can you say that because the group that got the test medication had a slower progression it was the medication or was it luck of the draw. The only way a reliable clinical test could be deemed reliable is if a person could split into two identical people. That's not going to happen and that's how they perpetuate the lie.
I am not going to believe what they say until I see them reversing the disease. Slow down the disease? I don't think so. I don't think they are really looking for a true cure. At best maybe a drug they can sell you the rest of your life. They all ready do that but it doesn't help.
Just like all the other diseases. It's always control heart disease or control liver disease or control kidney disease or control diabetes or control glaucoma or control arthritis. When was the last time they really cured anything.
When a person has Alzheimer's disease do you want to add to that the multitude of side effects that come with a prescribed medication. And they will manifest. It's bad enough when a person can tell you they are having a reaction they don't like or causes distress. With Alzheimer's the person can't always express a problem verbally.
They might just indicate that something feels wrong or hurts but don't know how to describe the symptom or the location. Worst they may not be able to say anything and just suffer until the problem gets so bad it becomes an emergency. You might end up torturing them for the rest of their life. Remember it might be your turn next.
If you have been given or taken by choice the responsibility to care for a loved one or family member with Alzheimer's do both of you a favor and take off the blinders. Once the allopathic (regular) doctors get control they will have the Alzheimer's patient on prescribed medication for Alzheimer's. Then when the side effects start to show up they will prescribe more medication to control or lesson the side effects. Then those drugs will have side effects.
This is a vicious circle and before long the list of medications will grow and grow. Remember every prescription drug has side effects. Every one. Also know that some drugs can not be stopped on a whim. It is dangerous to stop many drugs abruptly. Always ask you doctor and look it up in the PDR.
That's the Physicians Desk Reference and it contains full descriptions of the prescription drugs except maybe the just released ones. Even though it's full of usable information you must be aware that what you read in the PDR has been written by the company that makes the drug. Even though they do not expect you to read it the information has been filtered. What is in there will still cause you to worry and it should.
Remember that when you are older you are more likely to have side effects and they may be more serious and probably will be. If you see the drug has warnings in a black box really think about it. The product info in this book is supposed to be the same as the product info that comes with the drugs. You may not see this when you buy a prescription drug. This comes in the box the drug is in and you usually get a small portion of that container.
The drug stores put some warnings on the label and may often give you a very basic write up on the drug. If you do by chance end up with the actual product information from the manufacturer you will likely need strong magnification and a medical dictionary to half understand it.
Look at study results. If a study runs for a unusual time period they may have stopped the study early. If they included the results from beyond the cut off time they may not have been able to get the drug approved. Also look for how many people were in the clinical trial. Does the number of people in the study seem like a strange number. Perhaps people were removed from the trial.
This is my opinion but I would not get involved in any drug trials or clinical studies for Alzheimer's. At best nothing bad may happen but complications often do. I've seen some results of clinical trials gone bad and it's not pretty. I don't feel the drugs they have available now are effective or safe but that is my personal conclusion and you must do your own homework and form your own. You are the one that has to live with the decision and it may haunt you a long time.
Don't listen to a friend or doctor and feel less responsible because some one else said do this or do that. You learn and make an informed choice. Don't let any one tell you what choice to pick or let them limit you choices. Make no on the spot decisions except in an emergency. Learn what makes an emergency an emergency. If you are told take these pills today because tomorrow will be to late you may want to recognize this as a pressure tactic to get control over you again.
Remember you are not deciding for yourself. This is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Don't make the choice because a doctor tells you a drug should be administered. Most doctors don't read the PDR unless you make them. They get most of their info from the drug company representatives that drop off free samples at there office.
If I listened to the doctor my mother would be dead by now. No matter what your going to need to make some hard choices. Make sure you can live with them. Just do you best. That's all I can ask of you. Early onset forms of this disease are on the rise.
You could wake up tomorrow and friend or family member may get the first subtle thought that there is something different with you. When you are this close to Alzheimer's disease you notice your own forgetfulness more and in those around you. There was something else I wanted to say if I could only remember what it was.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Alzheimer's Believe Who? Believe You!
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