An area of interest we always had was herbs and natural healing and this is where we got the best results. We had always used herbs but you become brain washed into believing that doctors know what they are doing and in truth they do a lot more guessing than you would suspect.
When I mention herbs to the family doctor I always get one of those are you kidding glares. Oh no here he goes again type looks. Needless to say I don't get the normal welcome at the doctors office. I am tolerated at best. I think they feel I will contaminate the others in the waiting room with my ideas. I have - Ha Ha HA!
After I was able to get my mother Edith off the prescription drugs she was on I could sense a coldness coming from the direction of the doctor. She is now prescription drug free and healthy except for Alzheimer's disease. What percentage of people over the age of 90 do you think there are not on prescription drugs. Not many. Down in the single digits for sure.
Every time the doctor diagnosed a condition and whipped out her prescription pad she would look at me and say "You can't cure that with herbs". Every time she did that we went home and looked up the prescription in the Physicians Desk Reference (a.k.a the PDR) to see the side effect and warnings. What we concluded was the drugs were too risky. Each time we found a natural alternative to use that worked faster, better and with no side effects.
I would like to bring to your attention that although an herb may be considered safe and harmless some individuals may have allergic reactions on occasion. When trying something for the first time I take it myself to test it. I start with a small dose and watch for an adverse reaction.
I have also taken the herbs I use in amounts that would have some people question my sanity. By doing this I have found that many herbs are used in amounts to small and that sometimes a small adjustment in the amount taken makes a big difference in the result I get.
Always be safe and start small until you know what you are doing. There are people that have severe reactions to peanuts and wheat and strawberries. Many of the medicinal herbs are used in cooking on a regular basis. You probably use medicinal herbs and spices when you cook.
When ever I use an herb I use whole herb. This gives me the best results. I stay away from the products that have been standardized because I want the original balance of compounds found in the plant. What they do is try to pick the one ingredient they think is responsible for the action and then they set it to a certain percentage. Most product lines have a plain whole herb product and one that is standardized.
For example on the label it may say extract standardized to 6 percent for a certain chemical or compound. Whenever possible use the unchanged organic whole herb. By whole I mean the way it grows without being altered or enhanced by changing the chemical composition.
It's fine to use it powdered, chopped and in it's natural form dried or fresh. Some herbs are so hard you would find it almost impossible to powder yourself. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to learn how to use herbs. No matter what your level of education you can learn to do this stuff.
The use of ginkgo biloba goes back thousands of years. The first time we can find it mentioned is in ancient Chinese materia medica Pen Tsao Ching. This was from 2800 B.C. and was attributed to Shen Nung the first emperor of China. If it didn't work do you think its use would have survived that long.
Ginkgo biloba does not cure Alzheimer's disease at the doses I've tried but I feel by what I have seen that it can be a valuable tool. It can be used alone or you can combine it with other herbs to create a formula. I use three other herbs along with it.
The key is not just the herb but getting high levels of plant based nutrients at the same time. With out the needed nutrition the body doesn't have the proper building blocks to rebuild and repair. If your body tries to replace a cell it uses what you give it. If you input low quality nutrition you end up with a cell that may not function the way it should. It may not be as flexible or do its job as well. The membrane wall might not let water, nutrients and waste pass in and
out of the cell the way it should.
What I do is get as much high nutrition in whenever I work on a condition. Another thing you might find useful is when you try to fix a condition your body might not agree with your choice. If there is something the body feels is more important to fix it may try to address that first.
You might be able to find Ginkgo trees growing near where you live. They have been added to landscapes almost everywhere. You may have one on your own property. Ask around and see if some one has access to one of these trees and you may find yourself a free source for the leaves and that's what you use, the leaves.
Try not to use one that is right next to the street. Especially a heavily traveled street. I try to find one at least 50 feet away from the road so the tree isn't loaded with stuff found in a cars exhaust. Pollution is worldwide but the trees that are away from heavy traffic or dump sites and land that may have been exposed to toxic chemicals are what you look for. The elementary school I went to had a Ginkgo tree.
I feel ginkgo biloba probably helps because of the antioxidants it contains working together with the flavonoids, glycosides, ginkgolides, bilobalide and terpene lactones. All these phyto chemicals require each other work and they work in a synergistic way. If you want great results use only whole herbs. Not only do whole herbs work they are cheaper than herbs that have had their compounds messed with.
You don't need to know all chemistry about it. All you need to know is it helps and will not harm you. Try to buy the best you can afford. If you can't afford the best still use the herb. It might not work as well or as fast but it will help. Ginkgo biloba is used to help other conditions besides Alzheimer's disease.
One of the things that I noticed in using ginkgo biloba was that my mothers overall mood improved and stayed there. It got rid of the up and down emotional mood swings. Any day you can elevate the mood of a person with Alzheimer's is a good day. It makes everything easier for the person taking care of them too.
The person with Alzheimer's is more willing to cooperate if they are happy, feel they are where they belong, feel they are wanted and loved, are asked to do something and not told to do it. If they decline to do something just stop asking for a few minutes and try again with a different approach. Don't be a control freak. It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.
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1 comment:
"It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice. ".....Dad died an Alzheimer patient. I have risk factors and enjoy your blog. But I'd like to plagurize your quote for my site.
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