Monday, August 13, 2007

Alzheimer's - What's getting into you?

What do you do when Alzheimer's disease or another critical health issue decides to visit? One thing I did do was collect all the aluminum cooking utensils and pans along with the pans that had non-stick coatings. Aluminum gets into your food very easily. The food does not have to be acidic for this to occur. You have more than likely heard of the possible connection of this metal and a few others with Alzheimer's Disease. There seems to be a higher level of aluminum in the brain of people with Alzheimer's. This may not be the cause though. It might just be it's higher because they have Alzheimer's disease.

The non-stick coatings put off unhealthy gases when you cook with them. This gets into the air and the food. These gases have killed many a pet bird. Remember the canary in the coal mine scenario? The miners would take canaries in a cage down into the mine and if they continued to sing and act normal if was safe. If the bird suddenly stopped singing or just dropped over dead the miners knew the conditions were unsafe or even deadly. Well if you cook with non-Stick pots and pans and your bird drops dead do you think its safe to use.

Also in food packaging they use a form of Teflon coating on the wrappers of snacks and candy bars to keep the packaging from soaking up moisture and oils. This may be used with other foods too. This substance gets into the food and you. It has recently been in the news that these chemicals are being detected far above the level considered safe. The more you eat the more you store in your body. My feeling is I don't want this stuff in my food and I don't feel any level is safe. They just keep finding ways to poison us. I don't want any of these compounds anywhere near me or my food at any level.

When was the last time you heard - buy our aluminum pans they are light weight and they leach the healthy mineral aluminum into your food? Have they said use our non stick cookware because it's easy to clean, the food has more eye appeal and the chemicals that get in your food and the gases that are released from our products will improve your health? Or maybe that we have applied a Teflon product to the packaging we put your food in and its so good for you we use extra. Your not going see that because it's not good for you.

Go through your house and check the labels on everything. Not just your food. The stuff you use to clean with. The drain cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners. What do you clean your floor or carpets with? What do you put in the washer when you do your clothes? Do you put anything in the clothes dryer for softening or static cling? There are healthier choices for all of the junk you are using now. It's amazing that we have been so brainwashed into believing that what they sell us today is better than what our grand parents used we don't even try what they used. Simple things like baking soda or vinegar or salt or citrus oils. The list is endless.

I've done this many times before I wised up. You buy a product that's supposed to be the best and it isn't as good as what you were using before. Then months later you see it says New - Improved on the label. So stupid me I fall for it again and I can't tell the difference. This isn't one product. You see it all the time. What I think they mean is they improved their manufacturing process or substituted some of the ingredients for cheaper ones or they improved their profits but not the actual product. On top of that if you check the label you will probably see chemicals you don't want or need.

Keep in mind that many of the things in your house put off gases that are not good for you. The paint on the walls. The curtains and carpet. The composite furniture that's mostly glue with a little wood fiber for strength. Even the stuff they build your house with. Synthetic materials in you clothing.

Plastic is a major player that's often overlooked. You think it's not releasing molecules into your food or beverage, think again. It's even attached to the dust particles you breath in. In fact there is a high chance there are plastic molecules in your blood right now. Why don't we hear about this? Follow the money. What is plastic made from?

I have heard that because of all the plastic that gets dumped out in the open or at sea these little bits of plastic are found in the blood of polar bears and found inside of the algae in the ocean. Not only are we breathing in but it's in the food chain. Both plants and animals are effected.

Let's face it even if they don't cause Alzheimer's they still aren't good for you and if you have any disease don't push your luck. Any time you are faced with a health issue it's time to stop fooling around and start cleaning up the body and the environment you live in. Every thing that you eat, breathe or comes in contact with your skin. Chemicals made in labs and chemical manufacturing plants are very hard for the liver to process and eliminate from the body. Try to remove as many as you can from your food list and your home. The immune system works to get these chemicals out of you because it recognizes these chemicals as not belonging and starts an immune response. If it's busy cleaning up the junk we expose ourselves to it's less likely to focus on what we need it to.

To many of you this might seem a little extreme. But once you have Alzheimer's disease or any other life threatening or terminal disease you will wish you had. It's easier to do it when your healthy than it is when the doctors exhaust your insurance and send you home to die. Stop buying the products that have compounds that poison. I don't expect you to do it in a day but get started. Read labels. Oh, most of this stuff must have labels but the labels don't need to be truthful. They might not say what's in the product but give you the number for Poison Control.

There are now more than 5 million people in the United States living with Alzheimer’s disease and the numbers are going up. Not just the elderly because there is a growing population of seniors. Early onset of this disease is increasing much more and at earlier ages. Every 72 seconds someone develops Alzheimer’s. Add to that the number of people that have not realized they have a problem and aren't being counted yet. I believe the numbers are much higher. Are you scared yet? You should be. That's your intuition giving you a wake up call. Listen to your intuition now while you can still understand what it's saying.

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