Monday, November 5, 2007

Alzheimer's Just Add Juice And Herbal Info

When ever I use an herb I use whole herb. This gives me the best results. I stay away from the products that have been standardized because I want the original balance of compounds found in the plant. I don't care that plants grown in different places and environments may have slightly different make up.

Sometimes I mix the same kind of herb from different sources. Sometimes I mix fresh herbs with dried herbs. With ginkgo biloba I have also blended fresh green leaves with the yellowing leaves of fall. I use what I can get when I need to make more. You can buy enough to get you to the time of the year when what you want is available.

If you make herbal tinctures and you end up with a big batch - no worries. As long as it's well sealed and stored properly it can remain potent and effective for years. That's the beauty of tinctures. They have a shelf life the far exceeds any other form of herbs.

Most herbal product lines have a plain whole herb product and one that is standardized. For example on the label it may say extract standardized to 6 percent for a certain chemical or compound. I just checked a bottle of ginkgo biloba leaf extract capsules and it says - standardized to ginkgoflavoglycosides 21mg(24%) and terpene lactones 5mg (6%). Read my last post for more about this.

Whenever possible I use just the plain unchanged whole herb. I tried so many high performance standardized special delivery proprietary process improved uptake special patent herbal junk. I haven't found one product that was better than just plain herbs. All that fancy stuff just empties you pocket faster. If you want an herb concentrate make it yourself.

Use organic herbs or wild-crafted herbs whenever you can. Wild-crafted just means they have be collected in the wild. In their natural environment and hopefully in a way that doesn't deplete or harm the source. To sustain the wild sources I buy organic whenever possible.

This will also help the organic herb farmer. The more you support this industry the easier it will be to get these herbs. The availability of a larger selection of safer (no pesticides higher quality) herbs will increase. These organic herb farmers would love to expand into a growing market. It comes down to demand.

There is no reason why you can't grow your own herbs. There are many herbs in high demand and you would be able to sell anything you grow beyond your personal needs. This is true of medicinal herbs as it is culinary herbs. You could start your own little cottage industry and recover your costs.

Once your friends and family see how herbs help you they may become your first customers. Some herbs sold fresh can fetch a price worth the effort. You don't even need to dry them. Even if you don't plan to use the herb yourself.

Many of the herbs and spices you cook with have medicinal use. A good way to ingest additional herbs is to use them in your food preparation. There is no reason not to sprinkle them on your food just before you eat. Add them to you salads.

If you juice as I do stick some herbs into the juicer between pieces of fruit or vegetables. I often add fresh parsley or cilantro to my favorite combinations.

I sometimes do juice fasting. Juice fasting is when you stop eating all other foods and consume only fruit and vegetable juices. This is strictly a vegan adventure. No meat juice. No meat broth.

When it's only for a few days the plain single juices and blended combinations are great. If its a long juice fast it's nice to change things up by adding different fresh herbs. I juice everyday even when I'm not fasting. Juice fasting is great for a person with Alzheimer's disease.

Be careful using hot peppers (especially habanero peppers) and garlic. Not because they will harm you but because they are much stronger in taste when juiced. Remember you can always put more in but you can't take it out.

If a person has Alzheimer's you may notice them napping a lot during the time they should be awake. They may be falling asleep right after eating a snack or a meal. This is not only true of people with Alzheimer's like symptoms but for many elderly people and some of us younger types.

This is in part because to the food we eat. Different types of food digest at different speeds. The digestive process can take several hours for certain food. During digestion up to one third of your bodies blood supply goes to your digestive tract. Not only is it carrying stuff your body can use it's carrying the things it can't use. The liver gets very busy.

When the blood is doing this it's hard for it to do the things we want it to do. Focus on the brain. Take toxins from other processes in the body and transport them to the liver. The liver is one of the major cleansing portals of the body.

Very few people have a healthy liver. It's not bad enough for most of us to feel it. It is easy for the blood to try and pass these toxins to the liver. Working at reduced effectiveness it's easy for the liver to say no vacancy. The blood has no choice but to find some other dump site. Don't count on the blood to fine a safe storage area for all those toxins. There aren't any.

The blood likes to dump stuff. It's very good at doing just that. If it's carrying toxins and the liver won't accept any more it often finds some place in the body to store them. Once stored they usually don't automatically head for the liver when the liver has a lighter load to handle. You store a lot of bad stuff in you body.

Not just eating bad food choices creates toxins. Every process in the body does. Even breaking down and using the nutrients in the right form causes toxins. Then add the stuff that we add in our food. The water we drink. What gets through the skin.

Every movement, every breath, every heart beat, every repair, every cell creation, every bio electrical signal, every thought, the billions of bacteria in us, the parasites, the fungus and more create toxins from within. Wow! How does the liver handle that.

Besides taking care of toxins the liver is the factory that supplies and stores our main supply of energy. This is glucose. The body can run for a while on some other things but the brain works best on glucose.

So when the liver is overloaded. Congested with the unhealthy fats. Over worked and stressed out and under paid. Trying to process man made chemicals it was never meant to handle we have a problem.

One of the things that can help this is juicing. When you drink juice the digestion time is very short. About 20 minutes. You're also giving your body high doses of great nutrition. You're getting all the stuff you destroy when you cook your food. This can cause a major improvement in health and energy levels.

I urge you to try juicing yourself. It is very powerful. My father never wanted to do fresh juicing. He did like fruit juice and the occasional glass of tomato juice. One day I set the juicer up in his kitchen and started juicing. I had gone to the food market and bought a whole shopping cart of organic fruits and vegetables.

I washed some of the stuff and then juiced it. Maybe an hour later I'd doing it again. We were all drinking 12 ounce glasses of juice all day long. More than we needed but we were all enjoying the different tastes.

On the 4th or 5th day I walk into the kitchen and there's my father standing at the sink washing carrots and beets. I couldn't believe it. He went from not really wanting to try the first glass to wanting juice enough to start making it himself and for any one else that wanted it.

My mother being 90 years old and having Alzheimer's is prone to frequent naps especially after eating regular food. Then she will wake up at night and not want to go back to sleep. When I can get her off the regular foods and just juice it's better for all of us.

When I can get everything organized and have the money and time to do these juice fasts she has a even level of energy through out the day and usually gets a good night of sleep - me too. It also appears that the herbs work better when the body isn't constantly bogged down digesting regular food.

There are all types and price ranges for juicers. I have a Champion Juicer. It's very easy to clean. I've had it for six years and have used it hard but it still works like the day I got it. I paid around 200 US dollars for it. It makes nut butters too. You can put frozen bananas through it and it comes out like soft ice cream or frozen custard. People don't believe it's only banana.

No matter what your health is like get a juicer. What you can afford to spend for a juicer doesn't matter. Get one and use it. The more expensive juicers get more juice from what you juice. They cost more to buy but reduce the amount of produce you buy. If you grow what you juice that's better yet.

I have juiced for periods longer than a month - just juice. If I don't use the stove or oven (electric) for cooking and use it just making herb teas I have saved 30 to 50 dollars off the electric bill for the month.

Are you still here? I thought I told you to go buy a juicer.

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